For ENR Top 400 Listed contractors, landing on this coveted list means consistently innovating, seeking out better technology to streamline operations and building stronger relationships with their subcontractors and vendors. 54 of the top 400 sought out GCPay to specifically improve the application for payment process, lien waiver and compliance document management and overall advance their financial operations for a smoother, less manual workflow. We met with three of our ENR Top 400 ranked contractors to explore why they chose GCPay and how GCPay has helped them grow and expand their businesses.
Location: Seattle, WA
ERP: Sage 300 CRE
Founded: 2000
“Our processing time for subcontractor accounting has gone down from five days a month to less than a day.” – Desiree Albano, Project manager at BNBuilders
The team at BNBuilders optimizes their time and mitigates risk with GCPay. They pride themselves on staying cutting-edge with technology solutions and staying quick to adapt to innovations in the industry. They needed a solution like GCPay that aligned with those core focuses.
Before GCPay: Desiree Albano, the program manager at BNBuilders, described their subcontractor and payment processing protocols as very manual prior to GCPay. They received all of their payment applications and compliance documents via email. Desiree estimated that at least 15 emails needed to be exchanged with each subcontractor on a project, which wasted valuable time for both the PMs and the accounting group. The worst part is that they opened themselves up to risk with this process because of the time it took to get the correct documents. Per their owner contracts, BNBuilders must release the payment for subcontractors within a certain period of time. That made for a lot of difficult decisions each month.
After Implementing GCPay: The most significant outcome for BNBuilders since adopting GCPay is the time savings. Desiree said the accounting team’s processing time for payment applications has reduced from 5 days to a month to less than one day. GCPay helped them catch mistakes and inaccurate data before they became an issue. Gone are the days of going line by line to check for errors. BNBuilders credited GCPay’s integration with Sage 300 as one of the most significant selling points to sign up. With the automatic data sync between the two programs, there’s no need for any manual processing. Not only has GCPay helped the accounting team, but the project management team spent hours pouring over change orders and schedules of values to ensure invoices were correct before passing them to accounting. Not anymore!
Read more about BNBuilder’s success story here.
DOME Construction
Location: San Francisco, CA
ERP: Viewpoint Vista
Founded: 1969
“GCPay is fast, it’s easy, it’s something we can rely on. It’s made us a better general contractor. It truly changed everything,” – Carmina Cardenas, Accounting Supervisor at Dome Construction
Dome Construction signed on with GCPay more than a decade ago in 2012. Before bringing on GCPay, all of their subcontractors emailed their applications for payment to the construction administrator (yes, one person!) for approval. They’ve come a long, long way since.
Before GCPay: For Dome, the most difficult process prior to GCPay was the lack of transparency for their subcontractors. According to Carmina Cardenas, the billing supervisor at Dome, said subcontractors regularly reached out to learn the status of an invoice or change order, only to find it had been delayed by a rejection the subcontractor was unaware of. In general, AFBs were put together in the field and didn’t have up-to-date information on the latest change orders. If there were changes or rejections, the project manager would email the subcontractor asking for changes. Lien release tracking and compliance documentation were also chased after via email. You can see where this could create a web of communication issues that were impossible to track or organize.
After Implementing GCPay: A key selling point for the Dome team was the subcontractor’s ability to submit their invoices through GCPay and see feedback and updates along the way. Dome also loves the audit trail feature, which shows the team every invoice that’s submitted, and who’s touched or made edits to it, which ultimately removes the need for project managers and billing to track each invoice manually. With their integration with Viewpoint Vista, everything that’s reflected in GCPay is reflected in Vista and vice-versa. Cardenas credits the integration to removing all mistakes and guesswork for the team, and now what used to take days takes virtually no time at all. GCPay has also significantly improved Dome’s relationships with its subcontractors. She says the ease of the invoicing process makes them want to work with Dome again and again. Sounds like a win-win situation.
Read more about Dome Construction’s success story here.
Location: Dallas, TX
ERP: Sage 300 CRE
Founded: 1992
“For us, GCPay equals better time management. It’s an incredibly easy-to-use program.” – Debbie Rollins, Controller at ANDRES
ANDRES sets the standard for general contractors in their region with construction management, design and build services, restoration and more. Before GCPay, the ANDRES Construction team processed each payment application — you guessed it — manually.
Before GCPay: When we sat down with Warren Andres, president of ANDRES construction, and Debbie Rollins, the company’s controller, we learned that the company’s payment application process used to be painstakingly slow (their words, not ours!) Each payment application was manually compared to the commitment data in their ERP Sage 200, then the team input the information into the payment application by hand. They often experienced issues with inconsistent subcontract amounts, whether transposed from the prior month or billing against unapproved change orders. Lien waivers presented another major problem. They estimated that lien waivers were returned with incorrect data 85% of the time with their old process.
After Implementing GCPay: As a GCPay customer since 2011, ANDRES has completely turned its payment application process on its head. The ease of processing payment applications and matching data within their Sage 300 ERP was ultimately the deciding factor in choosing GCPay. They no longer spend time manually checking contract amounts, previously billed amounts, or retainage because the integration ensures the data is always correct. The onboarding process is usually a hurdle when signing onto a new company (which they had experienced in the past), but Andres said he didn’t have this issue with GCPay. “The subcontractors caught on quickly and liked the ease of GCPay,” said Andres. The company has come to rely on the lien waiver functionality with GCPay; the ability to have all lien waivers downloaded and uploaded within GCPay with all the correct information has helped them save time and reduce risk.
Read more about ANDRES’ success story here.
Interested in learning how to take your payment application process from manual to fully automated? Need guidance on how to streamline your accounting practices? Contact us here.